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Julkaisut 1980-luvulla

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Teerikangas H, Tarpila E, Kaarela O, Ruuskanen M ja Waris T: Rintasyövän jälkeinen naisen rinnan korjaus mikrovaskulaarisella alavatsakielekkeellä. 8. Kirurgipäivät, Helsinki, 9.-10.11.1989.
Ruuskanen M, Kallioinen M, Törmälä P, Laiho J, Kaarela O ja Waris T: Rustokalvon chondrogeeninen potentiaali resorboituvan materiaalin yhteydessä. 8. Kirurgipäivät, Helsinki,
Kaarela O, Junila J, Lasanen L, Raatikainen T, Ruuskanen M ja Waris T: Perivaskulaarinen sympatektomia ei hävitä distaalista adrenergistä hermotusta. Kokeellinen tutkimus kaneilla ja rotilla. 8. Kirurgipäivät, Helsinki, 9.-10.11.1989.
Waris T, Leppilahti J, Teerikangas H, Raatikainen T, Koskinen K ja Lukkarinen O: Peniksen ja scrotumin repeytymän rekonstruktio replantaatiolla ja radial forearm mikrovaskulaarisella kielekkeellä. Tapausselostus. 8. Kirurgipäivät, Helsinki, 9.-10.11.1989.
Kaarela O, Heikkinen E, Raatikainen T, Teerikangas H, Ruuskanen M ja Waris T: Akillesjänteen alueen kudospuutoksen korjaus mikrovaskulaarisella kielekkeellä. 8. Kirurgipäivät, Helsinki 9.-10.11.1989.
Mikrokirurgia korjaa kudosvaurioita. Uusi Suomi 2.11.1989.
Waris T, Kaisanlahti S, Hämäläinen H, Piironen J, Valtimo J, Järvilehto T: Return of thermal sensitivity in free skin grafts after excision due to melanoma. Second International Conference on Melanoma, Venice 16.-19.9.1989.
Waris T, Teerikangas H, Kallanranta T, Kaarela O, Ruuskanen M, Raatikainen T: Reconstructive microsurgery, costs and benefits. Nordisk Kirurgisk Förenings XXXXIV Kongress, Helsinki 15.-17.6.1989.
Lasanen L, Tammela T, Kallioinen M, Waris T: Changes in adrenergic innervation of the rat urinary bladder after maximal distension. Nordisk Kirurgisk Förenings XXXXIV Kongress, Helsinki, 15.-17.6.1989.
Teerikangas H, Nissinen J, Yliluukko S, Kaarela O and Waris T: Repair of a large tissue defect due to removal of major thoracic wall tumour using coretex graft musculocutaneous rectus abdominis flap and microvascular anastomoses to secure circulation in the flap. Nordisk Kirurgisk Förenings XXXXIV Kongress, Helsinki 15.-17.6.1989.
Kaarela O, Heikkinen E, Raatikainen T, Teerikangas H, Ruuskanen M, Lasanen L, Junila J and Waris T: Microvascular lateral arm and radial arm flaps in repair of a large soft tissue defect in achilles tendon region. Nordisk Kirurgisk Förenings XXXXIV Kongress, Helsinki 15.-17.6.1989.
Junila J, Kaarela O, Lasanen L, Raatikainen T, Ruuskanen M, Kyösola K, Hukki J, von Smitten K and Waris T: Perivascular sympathectomy fails to remove sympathetic adrenergic nerves from the distal vascular bed, and experimental histochemical study in rat and rabbit. Nordisk Kirurgisk Förenings XXXXIV Kongress, Helsinki 15.-17.6.1989.
Mäkelä P, Hyrynkangas K, Teerikangas H, Raatikainen T, Kaarela O, Waris T: Reconstruction of the floor of the mouth or mandibula with free microvascular radial forearm flap. Nordisk Kirurgisk Förenings XXXXIV Kongress, Helsinki 15.-17.6.1989.
Ruuskanen M, Raatikainen T, Kallanranta T, Teerikangas H, Kaarela O, Junila J, Waris T: Emergency free flap to the hand in combination with revascularisation of fingers. Nordisk Kirurgisk Förenings XXXXIV Kongress, Helsinki 15.-17.6.1989.
Mäkelä P, Hyrynkangas K, Teerikangas H, Raatikainen T, Kaarela O, Ruuskanen M, Lasanen L, Waris T: Suunpohjan ja mandibulan korjaus mikrovaskulaarisella radial forearm kielekkeellä. Chirurgi Plastici Fenniae'n kokous 7.4.1989.
Waris T, Kaisanlahti S, Hämäläinen H, Lähteenmäki T, Kaarela O, Asko-Seljavaara S, Järvilehto T: Return of thermal sensitivity in musculocutaneous latissimus dorsi flaps used for breast reconstruction: A psychophysical study. Current Problems in Breast Cancer. International College of Surgeons, Vienna, 12.-15.3.1989.
Ruuskanen M, Raatikainen T, Teerikangas H, Kaarela O, Kallanranta T, Junila J, Waris T: Käden murskavamman korjaaminen revaskularisaatiolla ja mikrovaskulaarisella kielekkeellä. Chir Plast Fenniae'n 3.2.1989, Helsinki.
Yliluukko S, Nissinen J, Teerikangas H, Kaarela O, Ruuskanen M, Kallanranta T, Waris T: Rintakehän seinämän sarkooman resektio ja korjaaminen GoretexR graftilla ja mikrovaskulaarisin suonianastomoosein varmennetulla rectus abdominis kielekkeellä. Chirurgi Plastici Fenniae'n 3.2.1989, Helsinki.
Kaarela O, Heikkinen E, Raatikainen T, Teerikangas H, Ruuskanen M, Lasanen L, Waris T: Akillesjänteen seudun kudospuutoksen hoito mikrovaskulaarisella kielekkeellä. Chirurgi Plastici Fenniae'n kokous 3.2.1989, Helsinki.
Waris T, Åstrand K, Hämäläinen H, Piironen J, Valtimo J and Järvilehto T: Regeneration of cold, warmth and heat-pain sensibility in human skin grafts. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 42: 576-580, 1989.
Lähteenmäki T, Waris T, Asko-Seljavaara S and Sundell B: Recovery of sensation in free flaps. Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 23: 217-222, 1989.
Hukki J, Attila M, Haikala H, Castrén M, Lähteenmäki T, von Smitten K and Waris T: Seguential changes of noradrenaline content of vein grafts in rats. Quantitative estimation by high-performance liquid chromatography using electrochemical detection. Microsurgery 10: 110-112, 1989.
Remes V, von Smitten K, Waris T, Raekallio J: Assessment of metabolic activity in aortic vein grafts in rats by histochemical examination of hydrolases. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 30: 538-543, 1989.
Tammela T, Lasanen L, Waris T: Effect of distension on adrenergic innervation of the rat urinary bladder. Nordisk Urologisk Förenings 17. Kongress, Reykjavik 6.-8.7.1989. Also published in Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, suppl. 132, p. 22, 1990.
Kyösola K, Cankovic-Darracott S, Braimbridge M.V, Chambers D, Kyösola H, Waris T: Mechanisms of ischaemic injury to the heart during open-heart surgery and methods for their detection. Finnish Cardiac Society 15. progress report meeting, Kuopio 1989.

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Kyösola K, Chambers D, Cankovic-Darracott S, Braimbridge M.V, Kyösola H, Waris T: Intra-operative prediction of postoperative low cardiac output syndrome and need for catecholamine suport at open-heart surgery. 7. Kirurgipäivät 10.-11.11.1988, s. 103.
Kyösola K, Mattila T, Harjula A, Kyösola H, Waris T: Life threatening complications of cardiac operations and occurrence of myocardial catecholamine bombs. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 95: 334-339, 1988. In litterature review of Journal of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, vol. 2, no. 5, p. 712.
Waris T, Remes V, von Smitten K, Raekallio J: Histochemical activity of hydrolases in aortic vein grafts in rats. XXII Nordiske Plastikkirurgiske Kongres, Danmark, Odense 8.-10. Juni 1988.
Kyösola K, Hukki J, Attila L, Haikala H, Castren M, Lähteenmäki T, von Smitten K and Waris T: Adrenergic innervation and noradrenaline content in caval vein grafts in rats. Abstract. 1st Mediterranean Congress 6 of Angiology, Corfu, May 29 - June 3, 1988.
Kyösola K, Chambers D, Cankovic-Darracott S, Braimbridge M.V, Kyösola H, Waris T: Objective evaluation of cardiac protection during open-heart surgery. Finnish Cardiac Society. Abstract. XIV progress report meeting of the Finnish Cardiac Society, Helsinki 30.1.1988.
Waris T: Modernin plastiikkakirurgian mahdollisuudet paleltumavamman hoidossa. Kylmä-tutkimussymposium, Oulu 15.-16.1.1988.
Waris T, Kyösola K: Kokeellisen kylmävamman vaikutus rotan ihon adrenergisiin hermoihin ja syöttösoluihin sekä verenkiertoon. Kylmätutkimussymposium, Oulu 15.-16.1.1988.
Kyösola K, Mattila T, Harjula A, Kyösola H and Waris T: Life-threatening complications of cardiac operations and occurrence of myocardial catecholamine bombs. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 95 (2): 334-339, 1988.
Waris T, Hukki J, Lähteenmäki T, Husa T, Bäck N and von Smitten K: Degeneration and regrowth of adrenergic nerves after microvascular anastomosis. A fluorescence histochemical study on end-to-end anastomoses of femoral vessels in the rat. Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 22: 211-216, 1988.
Asko-Seljavaara S, von Smitten K, Lähteenmäki T, Waris T, Pitkänen J, Hagman G, Härmä M and Sundell B: Replantation service in Helsinki University Central Hospital 1980-1985. Annales Chirurgiae et Gynaecologiae 77: 97-102, 1988.
Waris T, Hukki J, Lähteenmäki T, Löfstedt T, Kyösola K and von Smitten K: Adrenergic innervation of aortic patch-grafts in rats. Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 22: 217-221, 1988.

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Remes V, von Smitten K, Waris T, Raekallio J: Assessment of metabolic activity in aortic vein grafts in rats by histochemical examination of hydrolases. XXII Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, Abstract 126, pp. 68-69, Aarhus 1987, 19/SI/87.
Asko-Seljavaara S, Waris T, Lähteenmäki T, Sundell B: Salvation of burn injured limbs by microvascular flaps. Second Congress of the European Burn Association. Klinikum der RWTH, Aachen 7.-10. Oct. Abst. 61, 1987
Kyösola K, Mattila T, Waris T and Kyösola H: Prolonged monitoring and prophylactic antirrhythmia treatment after open-heart surgery - some criteria of patient selection. International Conference on Intensive and Critical Care for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgical Patients. Beijing, November 4-7, 1987, China. Abstract book p. 137-138. Eds. Hong-xi-Su, Mei-shin Hsih, Yan-ching Sun, Guo-jun Huang. Sponsored by Chinese Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons 1987.
Sundell B, Asko-Seljavaara S, Lähteenmäki T, Waris T and Härmä M: Replantation surgery at the division of platic surgery, Helsinki University Central Hospital, 1980-1985. 43rd Congress of the Nordic Surgical Society, Trondheim, Norway, 8.-10.6.1987.
Asko-Seljavaara S, Lähteenmäki T, Waris T, Hagman G: A combined microneurovascular rectus femoris and TEL free flap to restore extensor function of the wrist and fingers. ibid, p. 563.
Lähteenmäki T, Waris T, Sundell B, Järvilehto T, Asko-Seljavaara S: Clinical and psychophysical study of the recovery of sensation in free flaps. Transactions of the IX International Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, New Delhi, India, 1.-6.3.1987, pp. 118-119.
Waris T: Osteomyeliitin ja komplisoituneen säärimurtuman plastiikkakirurginen näkökulma. ibid.
Waris T: Päivystysajan plastiikkakirurgia. ibid.
Waris T: Plastiikkakirurgia tänään. Pohjolan terveydenhuoltopäivät. Mitä on plastiikka-kirurgia? 26.2.1987/OYKS.
Waris T, Lähteenmäki T, Hukki J, von Smitten K and Kyösola K: Congruence of adrenergic and cholinergic intrinsic innervation of human and rat atria. Basic Reseach Cardiology 82: 445-453, 1987.
Kyösola K, Mattila T, Harjula A, Kyösola H ja Waris T: Sydämen "katekoliamiinipommit". Duodecim 103: 633-639, 1987.
Asko-Seljavaara S, Lähteenmäki T, Waris T and Sundell J: Comparison of latissimus dorsi and rectus abdominis free flaps. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 40: 620-628, 1987.

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Asko-Seljavaara S, Lähteenmäki T, Waris T, von Smitten K, Hagman G and Sundell B: Replantation service in Helsinki Universitry Central hospital 1980-85, Nordisk Plastikkirurgisk Förenings 21. Kongress, Göteborg 1986.
Hukki J.J, Attila L.M.J, Haikala H, Castren M, Lähteenmäki T & Waris T: Noradrenaline content in vein grafts of rats from 3 days to 16 weeks postoperatively. Quantitative estimation by HPLC with electrochemical detection. Nordisk Plastikkirurgisk Förenings 21. Kongress, Göteborg 1986.
Asko-Seljavaara S, Waris T, Lähteenmäki T, Sundell B: Free microvascular flaps in early reconstruction of deep burns in the upper extremity. International Meeting on Metabolic and Immunological Problems of Burn, Verona, Italy, April 1986.
Rautio J, Lähteenmäki T, Waris T, Järvilehto T, Sundell B, Asko-Seljavaara S: The recovery on sensation in free microvascular flaps. A clinical and psychophysical study. XII Congress of Group for Advancement of Microsurgery, Nancy, France, May 1986.
Remes V, von Smitten K, Waris T, Raekallio J: Histochemical examination of energy metabolism in aortic vein grafts in rats. Cardiovascular Research 20: 783-788, 1986.

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Asko-Seljavaara S, Lähteenmäki T and Waris T: A rectus femoris and a combined RF/TFL microneurovascular free flap to the upper extremity. Vienna Symposium on Muscle Transplantation 1985.
Waris T, Lähteenmäki T: Alaraajan mikrokirurgiset pehmytkudosrekonstruktiot. Suomen Kirurgiyhdistyksen kokous 14.-15.11.1985. 4. Kirurgipäivät 6 (2): 57-58, 1985.
Asko-Seljavaara S, Hagman G, Härmä M, Lähteenmäki T, Waris T: A high voltage electrical injury. Reconstructions with a pedicle latissimus dorsi and microneurovascular rectus femoris and tensor fasciae latae musculocutaneous flap. First Congress of the European Burns Association, Groningen, Netherlands 1985.
Waris T, Remes V, von Smitten K, Raekallio J: A histochemical examination of energy metabolism in aortic vein grafts in rats. ibid.
Waris T, Piironen J, Soininen K, Valtimo J, Asko-Seljavaara S, Sundell B, Järvilehto T: Regeneration of cold, warm and heat-pain sensibility in human skin grafts. A psychophysical study. ibid.
Lähteenmäki T, Waris T, Valtimo J, Turkki T, Soininen K, Asko-Seljavaara S, Sundell B, Järvilehto T: Recovery of sensation in free microvascular flaps. A clinical and psychophysical study. 5. Congress of the European Section of the International Confederation for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Stockholm, Sweden 16.-20.6.1985.
Waris T, Remes V, von Smitten K, Raekallio J: A histochemical examination of energy metabolism in aortic vein grafts in rats. ibid., and Tord Skoog Society of Plastic Surgeons Finnish Meeting, Hanasaari, Espoo 12.-14.6.1985.
Waris T, Piironen J, Soininen K, Valtimo J, Asko-Seljavaara S, Sundell B, Järvilehto T: Regeneration of cold, warm and heat-pain sensibility in human skin grafts. A psychophysical study. ibid., and Tord Skoog Society of Plastic Surgeons Finnish Meeting, Hanasaari, Espoo 12.-14.6.1985.
Asko-Seljavaara S, Waris T, Lähteenmäki T, Härmä M and Sundell B: Comparison of latissimus dorsi and rectus abdominis free flaps. ibid.
Lähteenmäki T, Waris T, Asko-Seljavaara, S. and Sundell, B.: Topical anaesthesia for harvesting of split skin grafts by a eutectic lidocaineprilocaine cream (EMLA 5%). A clinical study. Tord Skoog Society of Plastic Surgeons Finnish Meeting, Hanasaari, Espoo 12.-14.6.1985, p. 32.
Waris T, Lähteenmäki T, Asko-Seljavaara S, Sundell B: Recovery of sensation in free microvascular flaps. A clinical study. Tord Skoog Society of Plastic Surgeons Finnish Meeting, Hanasaari, Espoo 12.-14.6.1985, p. 34.
Lähteenmäki T, Waris T, Valtimo J, Turkki T, Soininen K, Asko-Seljavaara S, Sundell B, Järvilehto T: Recovery of sensation in free microvascular flaps. A clinical and psychophysical study. 5. Congress of the European Section of the International Confederation for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Stockholm, Sweden 16.-20.6.1985.
Lähteenmäki T, von Smitten K, Bäck N, Hukki J, Löfstedt T, Waris T: The regeneration of adrenergic nerves in free flaps in rat. A fluorescence histochemical study. 20. Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, Rotterdam 1985. Also published in: European Surgical Research 17/s1/85 abstract 146 p. 79, 1985.
Kyösola K, Mattila T, Waris T and Harjula A: Catecholamine bombs of the human heart. Suomen Kardiologisen seuran 11. Progress Report -kokous, Dipoli, Espoo 10.1.1985, and Annals of Clinical Research, p. 169-170, 1985.
Kyösola K, Waris T, Penttilä O, Ahonen A, Penttilä A, Mattila T and Järvinen A: Multi-score estimation of catecholamine fluorescence for clinical purposes. Acta Histochemica 76: 65-75, 1985.

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Alanko A, Asko-Seljavaara S, Lähteenmäki T, Waris T, Kaisanlahti S, Sundell B: Breast reconstruction with the latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap: a follow-up study. 3. Kirurgipäivät, Helsinki, 5 (2), 1984, 15.-16.11.1984.
Lähteenmäki T, von Smitten K, Löfstedt T, Husa T, Waris T: Regeneration of adrenergic and cholinesterase reactive nerves after microvascular surgery. VII International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Helsinki, 5.-11.8.1984, p. 214.
Waris T and Kyösola K.: Simultaneous and consecutive demonstration of cardiac catecholamines and cholinesterases in the same specimen: A histochemical study of human and rat atrial tissues. VII International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Helsinki 5.-11.8.1984, p. 475.
Kyösola K, Waris T, Aalto-Setälä K, Rechardt L and Penttilä O: Estimation of neural noradrenaline in human myocardium. The VII International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Helsinki 5.-11.8.1984, p. 211.
Kyösola K, Mattila T, Waris T, Järvinen A, Harjula A and Peltola K: Life-threatening complications of open-heart surgery and occurrence of pathological intracardiac catecholamine accumulations (CA-A). The Scandinavian Association for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. The Scandinavian Society for Extracorporeal Technology, Oslo 19.-21.8.1984.
Lähteenmäki T, Waris T, Asko-Seljavaara S, Valtimo J, Turkki T, Järvilehto T, Soininen K: Temperatur- och smärtkänslighet i fria mikrovaskulära lambåer. En psykofysisk undersökning. ibid.
Waris T, Lähteenmäki T, Löfstedt T, von Smitten K: Regeneration av adrenerga nerver in fria lambåer hos råtta. En histokemisk studie. ibid.
Piironen J, Waris T, Soininen K, Valtimo J, Asko-Seljavaara S, Sundell B and Järvilehto T: Temperatur- och smärtkänslighet i fritt hudtransplantat en psykofysisk studie. Nordisk Plastikkiurgisk Förenings XX Kongress, Bergen 27.-30.5.1984.
Waris T, Rechardt L, Kyösola K: A histochemical study on the reinnervation of human skin grafts. ibid.
Waris T, Soininen K, Valtimo J, Piironen J and Järvilehto T: Regeneration of thermal and pain sensibility in skin transplants. 3. Vienna Symposium on skin and nervous system " New methods and advantages", Vienna 24.-26.3.1984.
Löfstedt T, Lähteenmäki T, Husa T, Panula P, Waris T, von Smitten K: Do nerves regenerate in glutaraldehyde treated vein grafts in the rat ? A histochemical study using catecholamine fluorescence and cholinesterase histochemical methods. ibid.
Lähteenmäki T, von Smitten K, Husa T, Bäck N, Waris T: Regeneration of adrenergic nerves in free groin flaps in the rat. ibid.
Waris T, Husa T, Löfstedt T, Bäck N, Lähteenmäki T, von Smitten K: The effect of microvascular end to end anastomosis on blood vessel innervation. A fluorescence histochemical study. Nordisk Kirurgisk Förenings 4. Mötet in Experimentell Kirurgi, Hanaholmen, Esbo 1984.
Waris T, Löfstedt T, Partanen S and von Smitten K: Innervation of syngeneic vein grafts in the rat. The regeneration of adrenergic nerves. Journal of Surgical Research 37: 472-478, 1984.
Waris T, Löfstedt T, Husa T, Partanen S and von Smitten K: Innervation of syngeneic vein grafts in the rat. The regeneration of cholinesterase positive nerves. Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 18: 181-185, 1984.
Waris T, Lechardt L and Kyösola K: Contribution to Principles of Skin Grafts (ed: P.L. Kelton, Jr.). Selected Readings in Plastic Surgery 3 (2): 1-15, 1984 ISSN 079-5523.

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Waris T, Löfstedt T, Husa T, Päivärinta H, Partanen S, von Smitten K: Regeneration of adrenergic and cholinesterase reactive nerves in vein grafts. ibid.
Waris T, Rechardt L, Kyösola K: Reinnervation of human skin grafts, a histochemical study. 18. Congress of the E.S.S.R. Athens 1983.
Järvilehto T, Soininen K, Valtimo J, Piironen J and Waris T: Regeneration of thermal and pain sensibility in skin transplants. Symposium on Applied Psycophysiology, Leipizig 1983.
Kyösola K, Rechardt L, Merikallio E, Järvinen A, Mattila T, Waris T and Aalto-Setälä K: Cardioplegia versus topical cooling for cardiac protection during open-heart surgery. An electron microscopic and histochemical study of right atrial biopsies. Annals of Clinical Research 15: 156-163, 1983.
Waris T, Rechardt L and Kyösola K: Reinnervation of human skin grafts: A histochemical study. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 72 (4): 439-445, 1983.

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von Smitten K, Kyösola K, Waris T: Adrenergic nerves and mast cells in cold injury. A fluorescence microscopy study of the skin in the rat. European Surgical Research 2: 92, 1982. 17. Congress of the E.S.S.R. Stresa, Italy.
Kyösola K, Chambers D, Cankovic-Darracott S, Braimbridge M.V and Waris T: Fluorescence histochemistry for studies on catecholamines and the heart. The Rayne Institute Research Meetings, London, August 1982.
Waris T, Kyösola K, Rechardt L, Piironen J, Rintala A, Soininen K, Hämäläinen H, Järvilehto T: Innervering av humana hudtransplantat, en histokemisk och psykofysisk studie. ibid.
Waris T, Löfstedt T, Husa T, von Smitten K, Partanen S: Regeneration av adrenerga och kolinesteras positiva nerver i syngena ventransplantat på råtta. En histokemisk studie. Nordisk Plastikkirurgisk Förenings XIX Kongress, Hanaholmen, Esbo. 13.-16.6.1982.
Rechardt L, Kyösola K, Waris T: Innervation of human skin grafts. A histochemical study. XVI Congressus Internationalis Dermatologiae, May 23-28 Tokyo, Japan 1982.
Waris T, Liesi P, Panula P and Partanen S: The resistance of glyoxylic acid induced catecholamine fluorescence to sodium borohydride reduction. Acta Histochemica 71: 161-165, 1982.
Waris T and Kyösola K: Cold injury of the rat skin. A fluorescence histochemical study of adrenergic nerves, mast cells and patency of cutaneous blood vessels. Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 16: 1-9, 1982.
Waris T and Kyösola K: Adrenergic nerves and mast cells after skin freezing. A hypothesis based on fluorescence microscope observations in the rat. Experientia 38: 1462-1464, 1982.

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Kyösola K, Rechardt L ja Waris T: Sydänleikkaukseen liittyvän kylmän verettömän sydänpysähdyksen aiheuttamat sydänlihassolujen hienorakennemuutokset sekä autofagosytoosi-ilmiö. Posteriesitys ja abstrakti. VII FINEM-81, Dipoli, Espoo 8.-9.10.1981.
Kyösola K, Rechardt L, Veijola L and Waris T: Characterization of the neurons of the submucosal ganglia of the choledocho-duodenal junction of the rat. Cellular & Molecular Biology 27 (2/3): 139-146, 1981.

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Kyösola K, Rechardt L and Waris T: Mitochondrial injury and autophagocytosis within the myocardial cell after the cold ischemic anoxic asystole. IVth International Histochemistry and Cytochemistry Congress, Brighton, England 17.-22.8.1980.
Kyösola K, Rechardt L, Veijola L, Waris T and Penttilä O: Innervation of the human gastric wall. Journal of Anatomy 131 (3): 453-470, 1980.
Waris T and Tervo T: Barrier properties of rat subcutaneous nerves to sodium fluorescein and fluorescein-labelled dextrans of various molecular weights. Archives of Dermatological Res 267: 1-5, 1980.
Waris T, Kyösola K and Partanen S: The adrenergic innervation of arteriovenous anastomoses in the subcutaneous fascia of rat skin. Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 14: 215-220, 1980.

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